The Netherlands is a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Located on the mainland of Western Europe, it is bordered in the west and north by the North Sea, along the eastern border by Germany and in the south by Belgium. The capital of the country, Amsterdam (legal only since 1983), the government seat is Den Haag. The Netherlands is divided into twelve provinces.
There are several areas in the Netherlands including forest and heath. There are twenty national parks. National Park Oosterschelde in Zeeland is the largest. Veluwezoom National Park and National Park De Hoge Veluwe in Gelderland are the best known.
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Figures & Facts
Official language: |
Dutch |
Capital: |
Amsterdam |
Form of government: |
Constitutional monarchy - parliamentary democracy |
Head of state: |
Queen Beatrix |
Government: |
Mark Rutte |
Religion: |
Catholic 27,0%, Protestant 15,7%, Other Christian 1,0%, Muslim 5,7%, Other religion 2,3%, No religion 48,2% |
Surface: |
41.528 km². |
Residents: |
16.428.360 (2008) |
Emergency numbers
General emergency number: |
112 |
Police: |
n.n.b. |
Fire brigade: |
n.n.b. |
Ambulance: |
n.n.b. |
Information phone numbers: |
n.n.b. |